An Attack against SRP-1

SRP-1 (the oldest version of the protocol) is, unfortunately, vulnerable to an attack carried out by an intruder who has compromised the password database and obtained the verifier Xp for a particular user, as described below.
A Stolen-Verifier Attack against SRP-1:

An attacker Anne steals Alice's verifier Xp.
She then contacts the host:

Anne computes T = Xp ^ -1 (mod N)          (multplicative inverse)
and picks a random number 1 < q < N - 1.

Anne->Host:  u, Wp = (g ^ q) * T (mod N)   (instead of g^Ws)
Host->Anne:  s, Z = Xp + Yp                (host computes Yp as normal)

      Host:  S = (Wp * Xp) ^ Ys
             Ks = H(s)

If we substitute for Wp here, the server's session key becomes:

             S = (g ^ q * T * Xp) ^ Ys = (g ^ q) ^ Ys = g ^ (q * Ys)

      Anne:  Yp = Z - Xp                   (recovers Yp since Xp is known)
      Anne:  S = Yp ^ q
      Anne:  Kc = H(S)

Since Yp ^ q = (g ^ Ys) ^ q = g ^ (q * Ys), Anne now has the same session
key S as the host.  All Anne needs to do is send

Anne->Host:  H(Z, Kc)

to gain access to the host.
SRP-2 and SRP-3 are both immune to this attack.

This file can be obtained as ASCII text. You can use the Perl implementation of SHA to verify its hash.
